Query parameters


Query parameters allow you to pass configuration options in the URL to
the Web Meeting platform. They are particularly useful if you include the meeting room as an iFrame into your application.

The query parameters need to be URL encoded:

https://<your web meeting domain>/path/?participantName=Test%20User&meetingPassword=1234

Parameter namePossible ValuesDefaultDescription
cultureISO 639-1 language codeemptyISO 639-1 language code for the UI (e.g. “es-LA” or “de”). If the language code is not available the UI will fall back to “en-US”.
participantNameAny stringemptyThe name of the participant. Will pre-fill the form on the “Join Meeting” screen. Required if “skipJoinMeetingScreen» is true
participantEmailAny email addressemptyThe email address of the participant. Will pre-fill the form on the “Join Meeting” screen
registerEmailAny email addressemptyOnly relevant of “Free Trial Registration” is enabled. Will pre-fill the email address field of the “Register Trial Account” registration form.
registerFromAny stringemptyOnly relevant of “Free Trial Registration” is enabled. Will add an additional “from” field to the email notification to the system admin. Useful to track the source.
meetingPasswordAny stringemptyThe meeting password. Will pre-fill the form on the “Join Meeting” screen.
meetingRoomLayoutstandard, video-only, collaboration-onlystandardDefines if both video and collaboration tools should be shown on the screen. Useful for classroom setups with multiple displays. One display could only show the collaboration tools whereas another display only shows the video streams. By default, both video and the collaboration tools are shown
mediaDirectionstandard, receiveonly, sendonlystandardDefines in which direction media should flow in a meeting. By default, media is both sent and received. Useful in conjunction with the “meetingRoomLayout” option. The display that only shows the collaboration tool might not want to receive incoming audio.
joinTypeaudio-only, audio-video, video-only, no-mediaaudio-videoPre-selects the “joinType” on the “Join Meeting” screen. Useful in conjunction with “skipJoinMeetingScreen”
moderatorTokenValid moderator tokenemptyThe moderator token that gives a participant moderator rights in a meeting
leaveUrlAny URLemptyOverwrites the default URL behind the “Leave Meeting” button.
jwtTokenAny JWT tokenemptyThe authentication token of a user. Useful if authentication happens in a third-party tool
skipJoinMeetingScreentrue, falseFALSESkips the “Join Meeting” screen.
IMPORTANT: The “participantName” field MUST be set. If the meeting is password protected, then the “meetingPassword” field also MUST be set.
IMPORTANT: This feature may not work as expected in webinars. Modern browsers don’t allow playing videos without prior user interactions with the website. Webinar participants joining with “skipJoinMeetingScreen” might not see the presenters’ video. We therefore recommend to NOT use this parameter.
skipDeviceTestOnJointrue, falseFALSESet the default value of the “Device Test” option on the “Join Meeting” Screen. The user may still overwrite this option by his own joice.
meetingAccessTokentrue, falseFALSEThe access token for a specific meeting. Required if a external meeting authorization service is configured.
hideConsentSectiontrue, falseFALSEHide the consent checkbox on the “Join Meeting” screen.
IMPORTANT: You are required to ask for the users consent somewhere else if you enable this feature.
hideLegalAndComplianceSectiontrue, falseFALSEHide the legal and compliance section on the “Join Meeting” screen, i.e. the Imprint and Privacy Policy links, if configured.
IMPORTANT: You are required to ask for the users consent somewhere else if you enable this feature.
hideJoinModeSectiontrue, falseFALSEHide the “Join Mode” section on the “Join Meeting” screen. If “joinType” is not available, the system automatically chooses “audio-video” by default.
hideDeviceTestSectiontrue, falseFALSEHide the “Device Test” section on the “Join Meeting” screen. This will only hide the section if skipDeviceTestOnJoin is set to true.
disableEmailInputtrue, falseFALSEDisables the participant name input field on the “Join Meeting” screen. Requires the “participantName” to be passed in the query parameter.
disableNameInputtrue, falseFALSEDisables the participant email input field on the “Join Meeting” screen.
disablePasswordInputtrue, falseFALSEDisables the meeting password input field on the “Join Meeting” screen.
enableFollowMetrue, falseFALSEEnables the “Follow Me” feature. Will only work if the participant is the organizer or a moderator of the meeting.
videoInputDeviceIdstringnullThe camera device ID which should be used, if available
audioInputDeviceIdstringnullThe microphone device ID which should be used, if available
audioOutputDeviceIdstringnullThe speaker device ID which should be used, if available
testWithoutRenderingMediatrue, falseFALSEFor testing purposes only: don’t render audio and video, only send and receive the streams

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