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The extra mile and one more step

At Veeting we take data privacy seriously. Our mission is to provide secure communication and collaboration solutions without compromising user experience and usability. That is, our users - YOU - are the focus of our attention.

Over the past month we have been working hard to advance our system even more. We took the extra mile to offer you even more privacy for your business meetings. A new “off-the-record” meeting will allow you to meet your customers safe in the knowledge that none of your meeting data is cached on our servers at all.

How is this different to the current solution?

At the moment, when you upload a document or write your meeting minutes, the data is sent to our Swiss hosted servers for your convenience. It allows the system to send you a handy meeting summary by email, you can go back to your meeting data at any point and review all the documents related to that meeting. Is it secure? Yes! All data is transmitted in an encrypted way at all times. Still, on our Swiss servers, the data is not encrypted. If it was we couldn’t send you a meeting summary. We are legally bound not to touch your data too. Still, you have to trust us and our legal system to some extent.

With our new, unique “off-the-record” meetings you get complete peace of mind that your data is out of bounds to everyone except you. None of your meeting data will ever touch our servers in clear text! That is, you will be able to meet your customers and team in complete privacy, “off-the-record”.

How does it work?

Once you join a Veeting our servers will get you in touch with your other meeting participants. Our application will figure out how to most efficiently talk to them. The application will set up a secure, end-to-end encrypted communication channel between you and your other participants. This happens within seconds after you have joined the meeting. Once you are in and connected, the system will send everything, from your video to your documents, the meeting minutes and the whiteboard directly to the other browsers, all securely encrypted. Once you decide to leave the meeting you conveniently press a button and download a ZIP file with all the documents to your desktop. That easy and that private!

'Off-the-Record' Veetings

How can I get it?

We are testing our new meeting solution in a private test group at the moment. There is still the odd wrinkle or two that we need to iron out before prime time. We expect to be ready within a month at the latest. Then it will be available to all our existing and future customers, at no extra charge!

Do you have questions?